Amid the bleakness of winter comes a colorful and sweet gift to tide us over till spring- winter citrus. I grew up in Florida surrounded by fields of orange trees. On the very, very rare occurrence that we'd have a cold night, the smell of oranges overwhelmed our little town. I will never forget the distinctly tart smell of cold weather oranges and as a result, citrus will forever pair well with my definition of winter. Especially January because, come on, we ALL need a reminder that this too shall pass, this too shall pass. This sweet little loaf transported me from a cold January day in Brooklyn to a warm summer night in June. The cake is perfectly coconut with pops of poppy seeds running throughout. Spooned on top is a beautiful and delicious glaze made with blood oranges so it magically strikes the balance of sweet and tart, pink and white. Top with luscious flakes of coconut for a treat perfect for any time, anywhere; even surrounded by the doldrums of January.
Large bowl
1 stick (113 grams) butter, room temperature
3/4 cup (160 grams) granulated sugar
Small bowl
2 whole eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon coconut extract
Measuring cup
3/4 cup (175 grams) coconut water
Medium bowl
1 3/4 cups (250 grams) all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons poppy seeds
On the sidelines:
Blood Orange Glaze, recipe as follows

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a standard loaf pan with butter or nonstick spray and set aside. I like to line my loaf pans with parchment paper to make removal easier but it's totally not necessary.
In the first bowl, cream together the butter and sugar for a few minutes until it's light and fluffy.
Add in the eggs and the extracts and mix until combined.
Slowly add in the coconut water until well mixed.
Lastly, add in the flour mixture from the medium bowl and mix until just combined but ensure that all ingredients are well incorporated.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and smooth the top. Bake in the preheated oven until baked through and the top springs back when touched lightly- about one hour. Let cool and drizzle with glaze.
Blood Orange Glaze
Medium bowl
1 1/2 cups (200 grams) powdered sugar
A few tablespoons of blood orange juice (about one medium blood orange squeezed)
Pinch of salt
Whisk all ingredients together until thoroughly incorporated. You can make this glaze as thin or as thick as your little heart desires.